Monday, September 28, 2009

Colin: is he just full of hot air?

My other hot air (Stirling) engine in action!

Your Essay Topic assignment for Sunday: "It has been argued that the indiscriminate use of the hypothetical Carnot cycle in many standard books on engineering thermodynamics has done a disservice to the study of Stirling engines in general." Discuss.

1000 words. On my desk at the BEGINNING of class. Marks deducted if you have obviously worked on it during Sacrament Meeting.

And those who weren't in class last Sunday, and are going "huh?" Those who WERE in class can gain extra credit by blogging here a recap of the lesson!



Anonymous said...

Wow, way to blog Colin! You put my blogging skills to shame haha

Anonymous said...

Well, I would mention the analogy between the Stirling engine and our spirituality. The stirling engine needs to sit on the glass of steaming water in order to keep the wheel turning - once taken off the wheel slows down until it stops completely. Likewise, weekly church attendance and associating with our fellow members helps to keep our spiritual wheels turning, but if we stop that church attendance it's like losing that source of power and the wheel, though still running for some time after, will eventually stop turning.

fifi said...

couldn't have put it better Maz! Top points. you win :D

Anonymous said...

So, who's gonna be nice and post a blog on what happened last week? :D

I was far, far away in Glen Huon and have no knowledge of the happenings...