Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A Specktacular Evening

On Saturday Rosny Ward hosted their own version of Spicks and Specks, the popular music quiz show on ABC TV. There was a good turnout from the stake YSA, including those in Rosny Ward - Bek, Emily, Tyler, Scott, Rachel, Mari-Anna, Erin (aka Shazza), Jason, Libby and Emma, as well as some of their friends :) We also acknowledge all those that were there in spirit! Despite an over-excited audience that kept shouting out the answers, and a strange spasmic disease amounst competitors which caused an over-zealous use of buzzers, the evening seem to go pretty well and all had fun. The grand winner of the evening was Scott's team, well done! The "show" finished with the premier viewing of Rosny's videoclip of their suggestion for a new YSA Tasmania theme, to Queen's "Somebody To Love", which turned out to be a great hit thanks to the brilliant editing skills of Esther Tavares-Tutida. A BIG thanks to all who helped or participated in any way with the activity, either on the evening or in the previous weeks. Rosny Ward also thanks Josh of Hobart Ward for agreeing to host the evening (and without a forewarning for the need of crowd control!). Way to show the stake a good time, Rosny-ites!


bek said...

it was a great night maz good work! everyone LOVED the filmclip at the end.....
GO TEAM 2!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Wasn't our film clip awesome?!?!?!?! U did an awesome job at organising it Maz!